Black Box (2024)
Black Box is an iterative project that merges custom synthesizer hardware and video game programming. Through spectrum analysis, the games respond dynamically to audio input. The game mechanics and narrative arc of the series explore scarcity, labor, and automation through visual manifestations of hierarchy and exploitation. Black Box on view at Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria) September 4-8 2024. LEARN MORE.
Substation System (2024)
This collection of hand built electronic instruments was featured in the Substation Sound Show on 3 August 2024 in Richmond, VA. Substation System is a creative response to the Carver Neighborhood Substation, where the exhibition and performances took place. As a dilapidated power station, the structure in fact has no power. Substation System is powered entirely by rechargeable batteries. The assemblage can function as both an installation and an instrument for live performance. Instruments designed in collaboration with Chrystine Rayburn include: Doubles dual oscillators with looping shift register; Jeanine pitch follower/VCO/LFO; Goblin glisson granular synthesizer; Nordique light sequencer.
sixty-seven (2023)
sixty-seven is a light synthesizer-sculpture developed in collaboration with Chrystine Rayburn during a residency at The Anderson in Richmond, Virginia. An air conditioner activates a feedback loop consisting of light organs, oscillators, sequencers, and auto-panners. The instruments are designed so their insides are projected against the wall and ceiling, creating a shadowplay that responds dynamically to the sounds occurring in the space. Visitors can manipulate the light density controlling the audio, lights, and resulting shadow play using their bodies, phones, and other handheld electronic devices.
Trash Fire (2023)
A game/indefinite dilemma inspired by failing infrastructure.
Telematic Limit (2023)
Generative noise music via chaotic game physics.
Galway (2023)
A light-controlled chaos synthesizer.